Saturday, December 6, 2008

I came across this picture while going through a bunch of them. Did anyone but me not get this? If you want one, just let me know. There is a whole pile of them.


Kat said...

I did not get one. So please send one to me.

Lauri said...

I'll take one but just bring it the next time you are down this way.

tammy said...

I have the complete set. It must have been the proofs.

Mum, Grandma, GG said...

I did not get one and would love to have it. What a handsome young man.

Johnathan said...

Oh god.. I'm sad now.

Kim said...

You were so handsome in that picture. You are not getting older, just better.

Johnathan said...

Sometimes I feel very old.

Especially when my insomnia happens. At least that's what I think it is.